31.10.2018 Events

MRcademy® Everett 2018 a Repeat Success

On September 25, 2018, Snohomish Public Utility District (SNOPUD ) again welcomed Reinhausen Manufacturing to present an MRcademy® at their facility in Everett, Washington. We held an MRcademy® there in 2011, which was the pioneer event using the new one-day format.

With over 80 attending, the rigorous schedule kept guests active between general sessions and six separate training tracks. Upon arrival, guests were introduced to Slido, a live polling program we implemented to allow real-time Q&A during the event, as well as integrated polling and surveys. The program commenced with a comprehensive presentation on OLTC Design Basics by SNOPUD expert, Steve Larson. Subsequent general session slots were filled by our own experts addressing DGA Analysis, Transformer Lifetime Extension and Transformer Condition Assessment. After a hearty lunch, attendees began rotating between the six Training Tracks: Transformer Accessories, VACUTAP® UVT-LTX/UTT-LTX , Vacuum vs. Non-Vacuum In-tanks and Retrofits, VACUTAP® RMV-II and TAPMOTION® MD-III, Trafoguard® ISM, and Tap Regulated DTs. The day closed with a casual gathering at a local brewery.

Judging by the survey results and positive comments left by attendees, we can certainly consider this MRcademy® another success!
