Digitalization and the resilience of critical grid infrastructure

We are already digitalizing critical grid equipment with the help of ETOS®, our open operating system for power transformers. The combination of VACUTAP® tap changers, MSENSE® sensors, communication-capable edge computing, and intelligent analytics is creating the prerequisite for dynamically optimized transformer operations management – with lower acquisition and operating costs, reduced downtimes and a high resilience to changing requirements. In addition, we are supporting grid operators in recording the condition of their transformer fleet and in realizing optimized maintenance and replacement concepts. But that is not all: We are available as the expert service provider for the entire life cycle of the transformer, both remotely and on site – from installation to commissioning, through maintenance work and retrofitting all the way to decommissioning.

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How AI can lend a hand

Intelligent transformers and learning sensors relieve asset managers and improve performance and asset life.

myReinhausen: MR's central digital customer platform

With myReinhausen, all relevant data on fleet components and services is stored in a central location. This relieves the burden on asset management and brings numerous advantages.

Why data centers (may) never fail

The information age: Everyone wants access to all information. Always. Data centers and server farms must deliver top performance 24/7. ETOS® ensures that this remains the case.

Automation? (Cyber-) Secure!

Digitized transformers save time and money, but they have to be secure. That's why cybersecurity must be designed to be just as reliable and forward-looking as the hardware.

Remote Solutions: Professional help from a distance

Quick, expert help for malfunctions or other work on transformers with MR Remote Service - easily via app, no matter when, no matter where.

"Digitalization of the power grids will only work with comprehensive security measures"

In this interview, Dr. Stephan Beirer of the information security consulting firm GAI NetConsult explains why cybersecurity must be considered in all aspects of the power grid.

Why are you digitizing your transformers? Three questions for Rúnar Svavar Svavarsson.

Rúnar Svavar Svavarsson of Icelandic grid operator Veitur wants to lower costs and increase the reliability of the power grid. The ETOS® automation solution helps him do it.

Six challenges, six solutions – Intelligent sensors for safe transformers

How do I make my transformer safe? The intelligent MSENSE® sensors, combined with the ETOS® automation solution, ensure reliable operation.

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