Environment, Social and Governance (ESG)

Our focus: sustainability

The electrical power engineering industry worldwide is facing the greatest challenge of all time: the consistent transformation toward sustainable power supply systems - overcoming the contradiction between security of supply, ecology and economy. We are applying our entire expertise to the success of an integrated energy transition. In addition to developing future-proof technologies, this includes reconciling decarbonization and profitability. This is the only way to create sustainable momentum for a secure, economical and ecological power supply.

This is made possible by the appropriate integration of the Social Development Goals into our corporate strategy and the consistent alignment of our portfolio. As a company with global operations, we are adapting to the various regulations of national and international legislators and the correspondingly wide range of political initiatives. Our customers are also concerned with the development and operation of a sustainable energy infrastructure and have therefore already committed themselves in many cases to ambitious "net zero" targets. Accordingly, we are already required to provide information on the CO2 footprint of the company and our products. In addition, information is obtained on our sustainability and compliance organization as well as on our dealings with suppliers and supply risks.

As an intergenerationally oriented, family-run company, we are committed to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (UN). We can make a particularly significant contribution to goals 7, 8, 9 and 12; in addition, we also contribute to the achievement of SDG goals 3, 4, 5 and 13. Consistently, we have anchored these eight goals in our corporate strategy. To underpin our commitment to sustainability, we joined the United Nations Global Compact (UN GC) in April 2023.

Learn more about the SDGs

„We are aware of our particular responsibility toward the environment, customers, employees and society as a whole. The goals we have set for the management of the company are equally ambitious.“



The sustainable protection of our environment is a binding company goal that we measure ourselves, our employees and our business partners against. We adhere to the legal requirements, of course, and go beyond them whenever possible. We apply measures for preventative environmental protection across the entire value chain – from planning and acquisition to production, supply, services and customer service.


Occupational safety

We take responsibility not only for our employees, but for all people with whom we work.  Comprehensive measures for occupational safety are an integral part of our corporate policy and systematically reduce accident and health risks. Based on the latest findings in occupational safety research, we continuously optimize these measures along the entire value creation chain and seek to implement solutions that set an example in the industry.

Social commitment

Social commitment

Intensive collaboration with research institutes, universities and schools underscores our demand for excellence. The Scheubeck-Jansen Foundation, financed by the company's owners, is explicitly dedicated to the promotion of science and education.

More information on the Scheubeck-Jansen Foundation

As a company that has been family-owned for generations, work-life balance is very important to us. To this end, we offer our employees a diverse range of above-average benefits (including parent-and-child offices, in-house nurseries and holiday care for children).

Our reading recommendation: Brochure "Sustainability enabled by MR Cleantech"

Would you like to know how our products are already helping to conserve resources in various applications and how customers are using them efficiently and sustainably?

Our brochure provides an overview


We maintain an integrated management system in accordance with the following international standards, among others:

  • DIN EN ISO 9001, DIN EN ISO 14001, OHRIS or similar standards like DIN EN ISO 45001
  • KTA 1401 (certificate for nuclear power facilities), DIN EN ISO/IEC 80079-34 (for Ex protection products)
  • ISO 17025 for the test field area of MR GmbH and measuring technology area of HIGHVOLT Prüftechnik Dresden GmbH

Our comprehensively documented process performance system (PPS) ensures the systematic implementation of the standards listed above. Company management provides the necessary resources for this and supports the qualification of employees.

An important aspect that differentiates us from the competition is the consistently superior quality of our products, solutions and services.

We achieve this through the following means, among others:

  • Consistent orientation to the needs of our customers, whose enthusiasm is our strongest drive.
  • The exclusion of malfunctions to avoid interruptions in processes and products of our customers.
  • The aspiration of continuous improvement to simplify products and processes.

Collaboration with our business partners and employees is defined in our Code of Conduct. It obligates us in particular to the following principles:

  • We comply with the applicable legal regulations for our business activities.
  • In collaboration with business partners, we follow the principles of non-discrimination, the applicable competition laws and we reject corruption and bribery.
  • Our conduct toward employees is based on values such as equal opportunity and equal treatment and on responsibility for their health and safety.
  • We reject child labor and we therefore do not employ any persons unless they are at least 16 years of age (in countries that fall under the exception for developing countries according to ILO Convention 138, the minimum age may be reduced to 14 years).
  • We observe environmental protection with regard to the applicable legal guidelines and international standards, we avoid wasting resources and we maintain an appropriate environmental management system.
  • We comply with data protection and data privacy, handling personal data confidentially and responsibly in accordance with the applicable data protection regulations.

As family-owned company, Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH and its affiliated companies are aware of their special responsibility. Compliance with legal and ethical requirements is an important factor in our corporate success. Through the Reinhausen Integrity Line, you can report concerns about misconduct involving the Reinhausen Group, its supply chain or the welfare of employees and third parties quickly and simply. Reports can be submitted by name and anonymously.

Reinhausen Integrity Line

For the fulfilment period until 30 June 2027, it was determined that the proportion of women in the Executive Board and in the second management level below the Executive Board (the so-called management circle), which currently do not include any women, should be kept constant. Due to a lack of suitable female candidates, this target cannot yet be increased in the current fulfilment period. When awarding corresponding positions, the focus is on candidates who, based on their performance and skills, have the most promising prerequisites to represent the interests of the company in the best was possible. This is supplemented by a diversity strategy that considers professional and educational background, age and gender, among other things. In order to achieve an increase in the proportion of women in the company, targeted measures are to be continued, which will naturally take time to take effect. Our aim is to provide women in the company with the best possible individual support, in line with their development prospects and individual potential. Starting with the reactivation of the women's network and personal career start-up support, we will further intensify our commitment in 2024 with special programs. Among other things, we will offer leadership training for high-potential women and an optional orientation seminar for all women in the company. The coaching and mentoring modules have been also already implemented.

At the first management level below the Management Board (authorized signatories), the target figure to be achieved by December 2023 was defined as 17%; target achievement as of 31 December 2023 was 20%. In the financial year ended 31 December 2023, the proportion of women on the Supervisory Board was 30%. The target for the fulfilment period until 30 June 2027 was set at greater than or equal to 30%
