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Customer variance and globalization in transformer production
Components and solutions for transformer manufacturers
Stable and cost-effective power supply in industry
Standard-compliant grid integration of wind and solar power
Optimizing the service life of equipment
Digitalization and the resilience of critical grid infrastructure
Affordable energy transition and CO2 reduction
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IMPULSES for a sustainable power supply

Welcome to IMPULSES. Our specialist portal is where your requirements and applications come to the fore. It is where we show you the many ways in which we are helping to transform energy systems worldwide. And reveal the new ideas and pioneering technologies that are coming into play. Yet our ambition is always the same – to ensure that the adaptation of existing grids is technologically successful while remaining affordable. As the specialist for the regulation of load flow and power quality, we are continually developing our solution portfolio in dialog with you – the grid operators and transformer manufacturers.

We are providing IMPULSES for a sustainable energy future. Each time you visit the portal, you will find new and fascinating examples of how we are doing this.

So come and join us every now and then and let yourself be inspired!

Components and solutions for transformer manufacturers

What we offer in terms of distribution and power transformers: an unparalleled, comprehensive product portfolio ranging from small disk de-energized tap-changers to premium on-load tap-changers as well as a global network of application and service specialists. Everything from a single source, with the performance promise of the market leader.

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Digitalization and the resilience of critical grid infrastructure

With ETOS®, our open operating system for power transformers, we are supporting grid operators in their efforts to digitalize critical equipment. In combination with VACUTAP® tap changers and intelligent MSENSE® sensors, we are creating the prerequisite for dynamically optimized operational management.

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Affordable energy transition and CO2 reduction

The clock is ticking. Stopping climate change is one of the greatest challenges facing society. The key to success here is the move to renewable energy sources. And this will require a comprehensive redesign of the existing grid infrastructure. Through new ideas and technical solutions, we are supporting the shift toward sustainable energy systems – both in the transmission and in the distribution grids.

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Standard-compliant grid integration of wind and solar power

New ideas and pioneering technologies are the key to ensuring that the adaptation of existing grids to changed requirements is technologically successful and remains affordable. It is for this precise reason that we are continually developing our solution portfolio.

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Optimizing the service life of equipment

How can our energy grids be adapted to the needs of the energy transition? One key aspect is the automation and digitalization of equipment which allows the existing infrastructure to be loaded even further and, at the same time, to be operated for longer.

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Stable and cost-effective power supply in industry

To ensure that power-intensive industrial processes continue to run reliably and cost-effectively even in the energy system of the future, we are introducing our power quality expertise and the system solutions we have derived from this wherever a reliable and feedback-free power supply is critical.

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