Affordable energy transition and CO2 reduction
Climate change and the rapid growth in population are the greatest challenges facing society. Prosperity has to be assured for a growing number of people – yet with ever lower CO2 emissions. As a step toward achieving this, the energy supply needs to be converted from fossil fuels to wind and solar power very quickly. Due to changing load conditions, the energy transition will require a comprehensive redesign of the grid infrastructure – both in the transmission and in the distribution grids. New ideas and pioneering technologies are the key to ensuring that the adaptation of existing grids to changed requirements is technologically successful and remains affordable. As the specialist for the regulation of load flow and power quality, we are continually developing our solution portfolio in dialog with grid operators and transformer manufacturers throughout the world.
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5 theses on the energy transition
The next few years are crucial for the success of the energy transition. A drastic change is already taking place in how societies generate energy, says Professor Stephan Rupp.

The VRDT is the ideal solution to solve voltage problems in our distribution grids
For a more stable voltage supply in an increasingly strained distribution grid across the USA, Reinhausen provides the ECOTAP® VPD® I for single-phase transformers. A utility from Delaware shares its success story, highlighting the remarkable improvements achieved.

Making transformers more sustainable
Durability, resource conservation and efficiency are central pillars of a sustainable economy. With our products and services, we are making a significant contribution to the energy transition and therefore to a climate-friendly future.

940 tons of power regulation
To ensure that volatile load flows from renewable energies are optimally distributed in the grid, TenneT's Würgau substation now has four new phase shifters - with on-load tap-changers from MR.

Sunny prospects: Municipal solar storage devices
Clean solar power - one of the most important pillars of the energy transition. More and more private households are now producing their own green electricity. But how worthwhile are supplementary individual battery storage systems compared to municipal solutions?

Four reasons why regulated distribution grids are the future
A fully electrified and at the same time climate-neutral world is only possible if the distribution grids are massively upgraded. To keep this affordable, Voltage regulated distribution transformers (VRDTs) are the solution.

"The energy transition is taking place in the distribution grids"
The energy transition has a major impact on the distribution grids. More than 90 percent of green electricity producers feed into them. A German research project is determining what distribution grids of the future will look like.

Five theses on the future of power grids
Futurologist Lars Thomsen shows why the energy industry should act quickly and what it stands to gain.

Storage at all network levels
Climate change, climate crisis, climate collapse - these are the terms used to describe what is probably the greatest challenge of our time. The only solution is to phase out conventional energy sources. But what does this mean for the power grids of the future? The future lies in storage systems for all grid levels.

Test systems for the energy revolution
Test systems from HIGHVOLT help make sustainable electricity generation possible. This overview shows how!

Climate change, energy revolution and the future of power grids?
The energy revolution is the only thing that can put the brake on climate change. This means that, by 2040, grids will have to transport up to 50 percent more power.

A new design for utility poles
The energy revolution will only work with a massive expansion of the power grids. But new lines are often met with resistance. A design study funded by the European Union seeks to change that.