Diversity adds value!

Diversity at Reinhausen

Diversity adds value!

Diversity at Reinhausen

Diversity - energizes, attracts & retains!

As part of our diversity strategy, we focus on equal career opportunities, heterogeneity within the company and the personal development of each individual. We value the diversity of our employees and attach great importance to mutual openness and appreciation within the workforce, because...

  1. Diversity energizes!

    Diverse teams develop more creative ideas and solutions. Different perspectives often lead to faster results and innovative products.

  2. Diversity attracts!

    A diverse workforce can better adapt to different target groups and foreign markets. Every customer needs a suitable counterpart.

  3. Diversity retains!

    Diversity as a corporate culture increases the attractiveness on the labor market as well as the motivation of the workforce.

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„Life is diversity! Diversity bonds. Diversity management is a genuine competitive factor for us and, as a modern company, a matter of course. In this way, diversity today ensures our success tomorrow.“

Dr. Nicolas Maier-Scheubeck, Spokesman of the Management Board

Diversity – bei uns Unternehmensphilosophie!

Diversity - our corporate philosophy!

"It's about driving MR forward with new ideas and perspectives. This is exactly what diversity can do: heterogeneously composed teams are proven to be able to question traditional approaches, to view challenges more holistically and to identify new paths. This is exactly what the transformation process at MR needs. [...]"

Daniel Schmidbaur, Head of Human Resources

Internationality - on the road all over the world!

As an internationally oriented company with representatives on every continent of the world, cultural diversity is an enrichment for us. In global competition, we benefit from different language and cultural skills. We ensure that all employees, regardless of their origin and ethnic background, feel comfortable and can develop within the company. The main focus here is on counteracting "unconscious bias" through targeted training measures and campaigns.

Power women - we can't do anything without them!

As a member of the regional Alliance for Equal Opportunities and winner of the Family Award, the advancement of our MR Power Women is very close to our hearts. This is demonstrated in practice by tailored development programs for women and active monitoring of the career development of our potential female candidates. A company-wide women's network completes the program.

Diversity - not just theory, but rather practice!

This is also demonstrated by our regular participation in the Diversity Charta. As a signatory, one focus is always the international Diversity Day. In addition, further campaigns are launched every year to bring the topic closer to the workforce and to highlight its importance. Don't read diversity, feel it and live it!

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