Substation Services

Comprehensive. Reliable. Forward-thinking.

We provide comprehensive support for the safe operation of your substation equipment through condition assessments, repairs and modernization. Benefit from our worldwide network of experts with years of experience. 

What we offer

What we offer

We have many years of experience in the construction of all kinds of substations with voltages ranging from 69 kV to 500 kV in the US thanks to our subsidiary in Phoenix, Arizona.

These projects comprise the turn-key construction of substations, including installation, commissioning and modernization of all high-voltage assets around the substation. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Installation and commissioning of power transformers​
  • Installation and commissioning  of circuit breakers
  • Installation of high-voltage and control leads
  • Installation of relays and control panels​
  • Electrical installations in control rooms​
  • Fiber-optic controls
  • Grounding and pipe systems
  • Placement of steel constructions

Based on this know-how and the global expertise in on-load tap-changer and transformer service, we offer a continuously growing portfolio around the assets of your substation. Condition assessment, routine services or modernization in your substation – we offer suitable solutions. Feel free to approach our experts.
