Welcome to the MR knowledge base

Welcome to the MR knowledge base

The MR knowledge base focusses on electrical power grids and one of their key parts – the transformer. It is ideal for students or professionals from electrical utilities, industrial companies and service providers.

The content ranges from technical fundamentals to applications relevant to practitioners and real expert knowledge.

Electricity grids around the world are changing. Distributed generation from renewables, charging infrastructure, and battery energy storage systems are added to existing networks. Power electronic converters play a major role in these technologies - And they all work internally with Direct Current (DC).

1. The comeback of low voltage DC grids
2. What are the main advantages of AC and DC power grids?
3. Modern DC-DC conversion technology: Dual Active Bridge Converter
4. What are the different grounding methods in DC grids?

Transformers are crucial electrical components that transfer electrical energy between different circuits. They have made significant progress over the years, revolutionising the energy sector and facilitating the effective transmission and distribution of electricity.

1. Use and Operation
2. Construction of a transformer
3. Autotransformer
4. Loaded and unloaded transformer
5. Short-circuit voltage and short-circuit current
6. Real transformer and efficiency
7. Transformer calculations

On-load tap-changers (OLTCs) are indispensable in regulating power transformers used in electrical energy networks and industrial applications. 

This content explains the technological developments of resistor-type OLTCs and reactor-type OLTCs. The general switching principles for OLTCs are discussed and OLTC applications are presented.

1. Introduction
2. Switching principle
3. On-load tap-changer applications
4. Design concepts of today’s on-load tap-changers
5. Example of maintenance strategy and operating costs for resistor vacuum-type OLTCs – VACUTAP® VR®, VV® and VM®
6. Selection of on-load tap-changers
7. Conclusions

Electricity grids around the world are changing. Distributed generation from renewables, charging infrastructure, and battery energy storage systems are added to existing networks. Power electronic converters play a major role in these technologies - And they all work internally with Direct Current (DC).

1. The comeback of low voltage DC grids
2. What are the main advantages of AC and DC power grids?
3. Modern DC-DC conversion technology: Dual Active Bridge Converter
4. What are the different grounding methods in DC grids?

Transformers are crucial electrical components that transfer electrical energy between different circuits. They have made significant progress over the years, revolutionising the energy sector and facilitating the effective transmission and distribution of electricity.

1. Use and Operation
2. Construction of a transformer
3. Autotransformer
4. Loaded and unloaded transformer
5. Short-circuit voltage and short-circuit current
6. Real transformer and efficiency
7. Transformer calculations

On-load tap-changers (OLTCs) are indispensable in regulating power transformers used in electrical energy networks and industrial applications. 

This content explains the technological developments of resistor-type OLTCs and reactor-type OLTCs. The general switching principles for OLTCs are discussed and OLTC applications are presented.

1. Introduction
2. Switching principle
3. On-load tap-changer applications
4. Design concepts of today’s on-load tap-changers
5. Example of maintenance strategy and operating costs for resistor vacuum-type OLTCs – VACUTAP® VR®, VV® and VM®
6. Selection of on-load tap-changers
7. Conclusions

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Herbert Schubert

Head of Sales Europe North

Phone +49 941 4090 7453
Mobile +49 175 2948 706
E-Mail h.schubert@reinhausen.com

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