Welcome to MR!


Our world's desire for energy knows no bounds, from electrification and digitalization to urbanization. At the same time, we have to change over to sustainable energy sources quickly in order to stop climate change. The growing demand for electricity is facing a volatile and dispersed supply. Meanwhile, the job of transformer manufacturers, public and industrial grid operators, and energy companies remains the same: to ensure a stable energy supply for households and industry. And as reliably and affordably as ever.

As "THE POWER BEHIND POWER" we are aware of the changes in our industry and know what we must do: We have been, we are and we will remain your stabilizer in volatile times.

Exciting impulses

Latest Products


The transformation of energy systems places enormous demands on system-critical network components such as power transformers. Our answer to this is…


The new generation TAPCON® 230 with a new design and significantly improved hardware and software functions is the easy answer to digitalization and…


The standalone version of ETOS® lets you evaluate and record all relevant operating data of your power transformer, such as monitoring the tap-changer…


Universal on-load tap-changer in vacuum design for transformers of the medium power range. VACUTAP® VM® is the product for all familiar applications…

CAPT® 090

Only 5 components to be assembled by the customer and multiple connections available: CAPT® 090 is a really smart and flexible solution for…


Why should I perform an in-depth analysis of the gas matrix for important and critical transformers?


Modular active harmonic filters for any application: Our 4-wire active filter is optimized for filtering single-phase loads, and protects against…

By us. For you. For download.

There's something going on.

MR keeps you up to date.

MR in numbers

Energized 50 %

of the world's electricity flows through MR products

Global 58

locations in 28 countries, plus 7 training center

Creative 1000

ideas each year and currently more than 1,500 patents worldwide

Setting the direction – MR as an employer

Do you want to set a new direction? In a truly energetic industry? Then the world leader in energy technology is the right place for you! Innovation, expertise and dedication are always the driving forces that move us, THE POWER BEHIND POWER, forward.

Curious? Then join us!