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Installation, commissioning and decommissioning of transformers with all associated testing. MR provides the equipment and the service technicians.
The core objective of the practical training was to teach colleagues how to use the tool in order to enable them to visually inspect the thermal images Fabian Marquardt, Engineer High Voltage
Liquid filled thermometer for oil-immersed distribution transformers with Bourdon-technology
Thermometer with bellow-type technology for power transfomers
MCONTROL® 任何应用都适用的显示屏 MCONTROL®提供高质量可视化触摸屏,有两种尺寸可供选择,可用于多种场合(室外和室内)。 KeyFacts: Fast Plug & Play installation in station buildings,Intuitive graphical menu structure for user-friendly
VACUTAP® VRL® 服务于高端应用的最佳性能 能源系统的转型对诸如电力变压器等系统关键电网组件提出了巨大的要求。 我们对此的回答是VACUTAP® VRL® I 3201。 世界上最强大的真空分接开关的制造是基于我们先进可靠的 VACUTAP®技术的进一步发展而实现的。 在以下情况下,它是首选: 可靠地管理能量流 随时随地提供可再生能源 确保工业高端应用的可靠供电
VACUTAP® VBO® 真空技术中的第一款电阻式螺栓固定式分接开关 VACUTAP® VBO®是真空技术中第一款电阻式螺栓固定式有载分接开关 (OLTC),集合了这一成熟技术的所有优点,并凭借着创新的直接驱动系统具备了更多发展的潜能。VACUTAP® VBO®可进行改造,法兰安装和绕组连接与现有的AT有载分接开关设计相同。
电压调整 电压调整以获得可靠的系统电压 >50年发展历史的MR电压调整器 >1,000位客户打出好评 >100,000台售往世界各地 50多年来,TAPCON®系列的电压调整器代表着我们安全可靠、值得信赖。新一代TAPCON®汇聚了我们广泛的经验,为当下和未来的需求最大限度地提供灵活性。除了简单的控制任务,诸如三绕组变压器、变压器组、移相器或并联电抗器等
Focusing on intelligently networked concepts and solutions for the efficient generation, storage and use of energy, The smarter E is the world's leading exhibition and conference series for the
MR wins the smarter E AWARD The FlexNet-Eko project was awarded For the second time, Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH (MR) has won "The smarter E AWARD" in Munich. The nominated project
MR provides retrofit solutions and technological upgrades that prepare transformers for the challenges of the (digital) future.
MR do Brasil Ind. Mec. Ltda | 巴西 | 圣保罗 恩布 | 始于 1980 |链接 Reinhausen Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V. | 墨西哥 | 克雷塔罗 | 始于 2014 Reinhausen Canda Inc. | 加拿大 | 宝乐莎,埃德蒙顿,魁北克 | 始于 2010 Reinhausen Manufacturing
来自先行者的成熟技术 Bewährte Technik vom
在德国及国际上,在调压配电变压器(VRDT)中使用有载分接开关已被证明是一种特别经济的解决方案。由于其小体积的设计、免维护操作和简单的安装,MR的ECOTAP® VPD®已经与许多电网运营商建立了联系,成为增加配电网的负载和发电机的负载托管能力的基础之一。2024年2月,MR将交付第10000台ECOTAP® VPD®,重要的是,这是第三代ECOTAP® VPD®,它将为配电变压器提供电压调节。
他们最有可能对能源供应进行哪些类型的攻击呢? Welche Arten von Angriffen auf die Energieversorgung sind am
“电网数字化只有通过全面的安全措施才能发挥作用” 物理学家Stephan Beirer博士是过程控制和自动化系统信息安全方面的专家。他专门为大中型工业和公共事业公司、专业协会以及制造商提供建议。 针对电网的黑客攻击是小说和电影最喜欢的话题。 您如何评估威胁等级呢? Hackerangriffe auf Stromnetze sind ein beliebtes Motiv in
Software Solutions Service Solutions Asset Management Asset management is about taking measures that lead to the best possible asset performance and availability. Accordingly, asset
ETOS4customers (Part 3) ETOS4customers (Part 3) In the third part of our ETOS® series we will deal with the integration of and intelligent field devices and sensor into ETOS®: + Interfaces-
Live online training: ETOS4customers (Part 3) on September, 27th Hands-on training for the use of ETOS® Next round of our new training series ETOS4customers. In our hands on session, you will get
Remote service eliminates the need for an MR service technician to be present in person. The customer on-site is connected to the MR expert and advised.
Digital transformer check: MR provides training at thyssenkrupp's steelworks thyssenkrupp operates Europe's largest steel mill in Duisburg and is actively working on CO2-free steel production as
No steel without electricity - but the purchase of new transformers costs a lot of time and money. The employees at thyssenkrupp in Duisburg therefore rely on the TESSA® FLEETSCAN 2D evaluation
Technical Talk II - live from CIGRE 2022 Paris
Technical Talk I
Technical Talk @ CWIEME BERLIN (LIVESTREAM 11.05.2022)
Commissioning and technical Service PQ
MESSKO® D1272AT Technical Data
MESSKO® BETECH® Technical Data
Moisture Sensors for Power Transformers How they work and why you need them Moisture sensors are an essential accessory of any power transformer, as they help to prevent costly damage from
FAQ Duval Frequently asked questions (and their answers) related to the Duval family of DGA interpretation methods How many Duval methods are there? When people speak of the "Duval method", they
Have you always found electrical connections interesting and do you pursue every challenge meticulously, carefully and calmly? Would you like to start your career in industrial manufacturing
进行中的活动 我们最欣赏的莫过于与您面对面的交流。我们总是迫不及待地想再次见到您,当然我们也会为您提供各种数字活动。 当前事件 & 展会 事件 |地点 |日期 | 更多信息 AISTech 2024 - The Iron & Steel Technology Conference and Exposition | Columbus, OH USA |
电压调整 电压调整以获得可靠的系统电压 >50年发展历史的MR电压调整器 >1,000位客户打出好评 >100,000台售往世界各地 50多年来,TAPCON®系列的电压调整器代表着我们安全可靠、值得信赖。新一代TAPCON®汇聚了我们广泛的经验,为当下和未来的需求最大限度地提供灵活性。除了简单的控制任务,诸如三绕组变压器、变压器组、移相器或并联电抗器等
MR wins the smarter E AWARD The FlexNet-Eko project was awarded For the second time, Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH (MR) has won "The smarter E AWARD" in Munich. The nominated project
MR do Brasil Ind. Mec. Ltda | 巴西 | 圣保罗 恩布 | 始于 1980 |链接 Reinhausen Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V. | 墨西哥 | 克雷塔罗 | 始于 2014 Reinhausen Canda Inc. | 加拿大 | 宝乐莎,埃德蒙顿,魁北克 | 始于 2010 Reinhausen Manufacturing
在德国及国际上,在调压配电变压器(VRDT)中使用有载分接开关已被证明是一种特别经济的解决方案。由于其小体积的设计、免维护操作和简单的安装,MR的ECOTAP® VPD®已经与许多电网运营商建立了联系,成为增加配电网的负载和发电机的负载托管能力的基础之一。2024年2月,MR将交付第10000台ECOTAP® VPD®,重要的是,这是第三代ECOTAP® VPD®,它将为配电变压器提供电压调节。
“电网数字化只有通过全面的安全措施才能发挥作用” 物理学家Stephan Beirer博士是过程控制和自动化系统信息安全方面的专家。他专门为大中型工业和公共事业公司、专业协会以及制造商提供建议。 针对电网的黑客攻击是小说和电影最喜欢的话题。 您如何评估威胁等级呢? Hackerangriffe auf Stromnetze sind ein beliebtes Motiv in
Software Solutions Service Solutions Asset Management Asset management is about taking measures that lead to the best possible asset performance and availability. Accordingly, asset
Live online training: ETOS4customers (Part 3) on September, 27th Hands-on training for the use of ETOS® Next round of our new training series ETOS4customers. In our hands on session, you will get
No steel without electricity - but the purchase of new transformers costs a lot of time and money. The employees at thyssenkrupp in Duisburg therefore rely on the TESSA® FLEETSCAN 2D evaluation
Moisture Sensors for Power Transformers - How they work and why you need them
Moisture Sensors for Power Transformers How they work and why you need them Moisture sensors are an essential accessory of any power transformer, as they help to prevent costly damage from
FAQ Duval
FAQ Duval Frequently asked questions (and their answers) related to the Duval family of DGA interpretation methods How many Duval methods are there? When people speak of the "Duval method", they
Have you always found electrical connections interesting and do you pursue every challenge meticulously, carefully and calmly? Would you like to start your career in industrial manufacturing
进行中的活动 我们最欣赏的莫过于与您面对面的交流。我们总是迫不及待地想再次见到您,当然我们也会为您提供各种数字活动。 当前事件 & 展会 事件 |地点 |日期 | 更多信息 AISTech 2024 - The Iron & Steel Technology Conference and Exposition | Columbus, OH USA |


MESSKO® BETECH 温度计适用于测量电力变压器中的油温或绕组温度(热成像)。这种指针温度计内含一个温度传感器,温度传感器通过一根毛细管连接用于显示测量结果的波纹伸缩节,以及另一个用于补偿环境温度的波纹伸缩节。波纹管技术的特点是免维护,坚固耐用,低干扰测量原理,其可靠性和耐用性让人印象深刻。
+ 波纹伸缩节技术
+ 高切换负载
+ 在整个生命周期中无需重新调 节和校准


能源系统的转型对诸如电力变压器等系统关键电网组件提出了巨大的要求。 我们对此的回答是VACUTAP® VRL® I 3201。 世界上最强大的真空分接开关的制造是基于我们先进可靠的 VACUTAP®技术的进一步发展而实现的。 在以下情况下,它是首选: 可靠地管理能量流 …
+ Um: 72,5 - 420 kV
+ Ir (1-/3-phase): 3200 A / -
+ Uir: 6000 V


CEDASPE® TESS 系列充液温度计用于测量配电变压器的油温。 这种指针温度计具备可靠的布尔登技术,可提供两个电限位触头(NO)。 刚性杆的径向或背后装入,以及柔性毛细管变体,使其在安装时具备广泛的选择。 不锈钢外壳(IP55)和不锈钢毛细管防护适用于各种应用和环境。
+ 公称直径:100 mm
+ 可外部重置的最大指针
+ 环境温度变化补偿


+ 快速安装,即插即用。
+ 直观的图形菜单界面,操作方便。
+ 连接多达10个MR服务器(例如ETOS®)。


VACUTAP® VBO®是真空技术中第一款电阻式螺栓固定式有载分接开关 (OLTC),集合了这一成熟技术的所有优点,并凭借着创新的直接驱动系统具备了更多发展的潜能。VACUTAP® VBO®可进行改造,法兰安装和绕组连接与现有的AT有载分接开关设计相同。…
+ Um: 40 kV
+ Ir (1-/3-phase): - / 400 A
+ Uir: 850 V

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Technical Talk II - live from CIGRE 2022 Paris

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Technical Talk I

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Technical Talk @ CWIEME BERLIN (LIVESTREAM 11.05.2022)

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