TESSA® Service Solutions

„We are the “First Contact“ in terms of asset management solutions on the transformer. As independent experts, we captivate our customers with innovative services and digital analysis methods around transformer and substation.“

Wilfried Breuer | Managing Director

Our Service - Portfolio

Transformer Services

Transformer Services

As a transformer operator, your focus is on maximum availability. As independent experts, we cover the entire life cycle of your transformers and substations with our service offering.

Transformer Services

OLTC Services

OLTC Services

As the market leader in switching transformers, we have a unique reputation and field experience. Benefit from our expertise and plan with us all services around the heart of the transformer.

OLTC Services

Transformer Digitalization

Transformer Digitalization

We digitize your transformer with customized and modular automation technology, intelligent sensors and online monitoring.

Transformer Digitalization

Substation Services

Substation Services

We provide comprehensive support for the safe operation of your substation equipment through condition assessments, repairs and modernization. Benefit from our worldwide network of experts with years of experience.

Substation Services

service calls per year


qualified service technicians

24 hours



years of service history


months of warranty


certified training centers

Contact Our Experts

Global contacts

Bastian Auerbach

Area Sales Manager

Phone +49 941 4090 5206
Mobile +49 160 9729 8089
E-Mail B.Auerbach@reinhausen.com

Scan the QR code to save the contact details as a VCF on your smartphone
